Sunday, February 23, 2020

Does Nietzsche provide any good reasons for being sceptical about Essay

Does Nietzsche provide any good reasons for being sceptical about Christian love - Essay Example Despite being the son of a Lutheran minister, Nietzsche was a man who did not subscribe to the ideas of Christianity, especially those that dealt with love, believing that the concept of love had been completely corrupted by the church. However, he was also a great admirer of Jesus because of the manner in which he had lived his life and attempted to reform the religion of Judaism so that it could become more progressive. While this was the case, Nietzsche criticized the teaching of love in the Gospels stating that they did not hold any truth in the reality of many individuals. It was his belief that those individuals who practiced Christianity did not live their lives to the fullest because they subscribed to teachings of Gospels, which were aimed at ensuring that life was composed of absolutes. According to Nietzsche, life was not full of absolutes and the concept of love could therefore not be practiced as preached in Christianity because to do so would mean that individuals could no longer make decisions for themselves; hence remain in the fossilized hierarchy to which the church had relegated them. According to Nietzsche, because Jesus died on the cross, the concept of love died with him and this is the reason why there no longer needs to be any form of absolutes in the manner in which individuals profess love towards each other. According to him, the Christian manner of love as practiced was highly hypocritical because instead of making people happy, it made them slaves of their own actions (Hollingdale, 1999, p.21). This declaration by Nietzsche does not hold any truth because Christian teachings relating to love enabled the church to grow in strength and have continued to sustain it in the modern world despite the rapid secularization currently taking place. There have been points of view though criticized by Nietzsche that Christian teachings on love are among the elements that have ensured a continued growth in provision of charity and aid for

Friday, February 7, 2020

International JournalismThe Representation of China in British Essay

International JournalismThe Representation of China in British National Newspaper - Essay Example Recently there was coverage of mobile killer squads in China, which horrified Western readers. It is important to research on how the human day-today activities of the country are represented in British media. British Newspaper covering China had been very inadequate. Whatever is presented is done from the blind point, where one cannot see beyond a certain spot. Sometimes noticeable amount of repetition mars the reporting, perhaps due to non-availability of fresh news. Uncritical elements without considerable evidence, hesitancy in reporting due to lack of complete knowledge of events occur. Kind of highly Western-Centric articles too are seen. Inevitability of acceptance (after all it is China, cannot get more than this) plagues; in-depth analysis is missing, also uncritical discussion because of lack of resources and evidences and proofs persists. British media represents not only the vulnerability of international journalism in China, but also its helplessness. A breathless narration as though on the brink of a disaster, where the journalist might be thrown out or snuffed out kind of hurried, considerably less critical coverage has always been the coverage character. Today, it is the era of online global voices from every remote corner of the world, other than those few countries where autocratic rule still prevails. China's image in the West had been very negative in the 19th century, and even in 20th it did not improve much. It did improve for some time when China had Sun-Yat-Sen, but plummeted down immediately during the Communist take over. British as well as other Western media, had effectively shut their eyes to Mao's China, and China was playing truant, like a powerful bully and only such matters were reported in Britain. It was almost impossible for the British or any other media to have a peep into the forbidden country and this suited Communists, because their internal persecutions and ruthless handling of Tibetan revolts have gone unnoticed by the world. During Cold War, Western media had the preoccupation of Soviet Russia and hardly spared a glance towards China, the weaker link in Communist chain. China thrived in isolation and world ignorance. Slowly some visual documentaries were prepared on the peripheral issues of China, that could be aired in other countries, like success of com munism, million flowers blooming under Mao, flourishing red revolution. Also some information about cultural glorification oozed out into the western newspapers. "Buddhism, Christianity and Marxism, Western literature and philosophy did not come to China, and Daoism, Confucianism and Chinese literature did not come to the West by means of cultural diplomacy, but they do form an essential part of cultural relations," Still we are unaware about modernisation and modernity is taking place in China, as all mouthpieces are totally gagged. Total internet is not allowed, even though according to some researchers whatever is allowed